Acextra P5R
Fast and efficient washout solvent for safe processing of photopolymer printing plates
P5R is one of the best photopolymer plate wash solution chemical product for Flexo Printing Industry designed for efficient automated cleaning of either letter-press or flexo plates. P5R is a non-toxic solvent designed to automate and improve the productivity and performance of cleaning photopolymer plates.
P5R can wash most any solvent based photopolymer plate.
P5R can also replace any kind of solvent based wash solution.
Advantage of Acextra P5R:
For solvent processing of high quality analogue and digital photopolymer printing plates.
Washing time shorter. Using Solvit QD and Kelleigh 24″x30″x0.067″, but p5R’s washing time is 15 minutes or less. Since the washing time is less, the drying time is going to be shorter.
Drying time shorter. Using OptiSol In-Line and EUROFLEX 920, IN-LINE PROCESSOR. The drying time is two hours for a Flex-Light metal back plate, 20″x30″x0.100, but P5R’s drying time is one hour only.
Easy distillation with minimal loss of components.
Optimized formulation with a three component mixture of hydrocarbons and alcohol.
Easy to recycle. After re claimed by distillation unit, no need to add anything into re claimed P5R. Most of the solvent based wash solutions need to add additive to the re claimed solution.
Increased production. Using OptiSol In-Line and EUROFLEX 920, IN-LINE PROCESSOR. A completed processing time for a Flex-Light metal back plate, 20″x30″x0.100″, is three and a half hours, but P5R’s time is two and half hours. Saving time is one hour!
Low odor for comfortable work.